REAL FARMER CARE - Care is love in action. Support self-care for farmers.
CLARA COLEMAN is a second-generation organic farmer, creator of Real Farmer Care, podcast host, jury member of Food Planet Prize, farm consultant, writer, TEDx and keynote speaker on sustainable four-season farming. From 2016 to 2023, Clara led and operated the farm business at her family's farm Four Season Farm.
Clara also conceptualized the ARC Farm model - an innovative and collaborative four season farm model for young farmers without access to land and limited capital. Other past experience includes co-founding Divide Creek Farm – an organic, intensively managed two-acre four season vegetable farm, previously located in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado.

Today Clara is passionate about caring for farmers through Real Farmer Care, contributing year-round growing knowledge through her Winter Growers Podcast, sharing reflections on all things farming and love on her Substack, and finding new ways to inspire and support the next generation of farmers to create sustainable and lasting farming legacies for generations to come.
Having grown up learning four season farming through osmosis and from her father Eliot Coleman, Clara has consulted and collaborated with many sustainable agriculture organizations and clients over the past 15 years including consulting clients Wegmans Food Markets, Maine Farmland Trust, Apricot Lane Farms, Beetlebung Farm, and collaborations with Johnny’s Selected Seeds and No-Till Growers Network.